Gospel Opporitunities 2024
Manna Ministry
Local weekly food distribution ministry for kids in our area.
Carpenters for Christ
Weekly carpentry ministry primarily focused on building wheelchair ramps for those in need in central Alabama.
Ball Park Blitz
You'll find us cooking hot dogs at the ball field as a means of being a catalyst in our community.
BackPack Ministry
We annually fill backpacks with school supplies and gift items to be given to children in the Mississippi River Delta region.
Operation Christmas Child
We annually participate in operation Christmas Child.
Strategic Outreach
May and September 2024
We serve within the food and clothes ministry.
(Daily or ongoing opportunities)
Life Choice Pregnancy
Opportunities to serve the ministry itself and or be an encouragement to the ladies within the ministry.
Liberty Church, Craig AK
We will send 1-3 teams annually to minister to and share the Gospel alongside of Liberty Church.
Calvary International Baptist Church
Bangkok, Thailand
This is our newest partnership and we anticipate sending our first team in the spring of 2025.
If you are aware of a need that you think we may be able to help with please share it with us by filling the form out below.